A Hundred Thousand Questions
A Hundred Thousand Questions
I have a hundred thousand questions
For the world, my friend, and you
‘Bout industrial revolution
And air pollution, what can we do
If we carry on like this
And if we cannot make it end
If we continue this befouling
Overheating will be the trend
Overwrought and overwhelmed
I often lay awake at night
If we don’t take action now
Mass extinction will be our plight
Tomorrow brings another day
And I will struggle through
I’ll persist in finding promise
A guiding light to hold on to
I will open up my eyes
To see the love and all that’s good
The changes and renewal
The people, the sisterhood
Their honesty, their passion
Their courage and their zeal
Give me back my faith
And causes me to heal
Look at all that power
That one man or woman has
All those little groups of people
Have so much pizzazz
Trust the force within you
Nothing is too strange
Believe that it can happen
Know that things can change
I have a hundred thousand questions
For the world, my friend, and you
‘Bout how we can make changes
For this Earth that you love too
Flugel solo: Libbe Oosterman
Recorded at Wedgeview Studios and Studio Silvester June 2020